Already as a child I was an absolute "DOG LOVER". So I went often
with the animal home dog from our City and take some "jumping Dog
inhabitant" into our flat ... to the disappointment of my mother !
But the desire for my own dog didn´t fulfill itself.
Thus I bought me from the money which I earned in the term holidays, my first
Collie in 1965 - a tricolor bitch. To her a hunting dog had actually been lost.
On forest walking she simply
disappeared for one hour on a "Wildly track",or caught freely
running chickens in the flight,or completed a wonderful "protection
service"at the dog place... . A wonderful Dog ! During the time of my study
(pedagogy) in Halle/S I accommodated her to well-known breeders in our
village. There I got a view of dog breeding and exhibitions and I was so
fascinated from all !
In 1972 I had my first Collie Litter (one small bitch ! ). Not of my "Carmen",
because she had a tooth error. In the breed I had at that time "Honey vom Elbenauer Wald"
and "Nanni vom Heidemoor".
In 1974 I had my first Sheltie Litter. My initial breed bitches were "Biggy-"
and "Bienchen vom Elbenauer Wald".
I was never an ambitious exhibitor, however I can I visited innumerable exhibitions
as an spectator. Very much I drove into the CSSR, to Brno. At that
time there were not so many interesting possibilities as today.
Followed until today 32 years Collie and Sheltie breeding with 27 Collie and
32 Sheltie Litters. On that you can recognize that it was always only a hobby
breed. It was simply a wonderful reconciliation to my hard work ! With the 2-3
breeding bitches lived always males,youngsters and oldies with us as
an "dog herd"- where everyone feel itself very well.
Naturally I had in this time many beautiful, in addition, unpleasant
experiences with humans and animals but learn ist a hard way (must be probably
however!) and nevertheless there are also today still surprises... . Fortunately
I had to do few with veterinary surgeons, up to one caesarean section and three
Since 25 years I am also in the association works among other things as
an grower master and in the executive committee work activ and was long
years member in the dog association.
Because of the dogs I am two times relocated to a suitable home in a very
nature near landscape south of Potsdam and Berlin.
Generally my private life has inferior always very much to the hobby "
Dogs", but this should probably be with " clownish dog breeders"
sometimes ... ! After my marriage I am not active professionally any more and
now have even more time for leisure " all around the dog".
For health reasons I have stopped in 2002 with the collie breeding, but the oldies
runs together with the sheltie bitches and the males in our garden. The lawn
looks suitable, only conifers and bigger shrubs have a survival chance.
My big love belongs to collies and shelties with a nice luminous blue-merle
colour. My tricolor/sable line is on breeding in the seventh generation.

In the meantime, 35 YEARS COLLIE - and SHELTIE breeding "vom Hohen Steg
" lie behind me; more than my half a life ......! Collie´s are, in the meantime, history,
Only 2 Oldies of 10 and 13 years we still have. To date I have bred 53 Sheltielitters.
During the last years I had more time for exhibiting, And I like something on the today's exhibits substantially better than too
the time as the "wall" stand. If I exhibit now and again, not only the assessments because of, over and over again it is glad to meet
many friends from so long years. Still I also have a look with pleasure to other dogs
(You never finishes learning!) on international exhibits also have a look to other
My source bitch after the turn never had tooth - or HD problems , but with Kryptorchismus or CEA I
had sometimes problems. Both changed when I used ours blm import male in the
breeding: He is no CH - dog!
Also according to exhibit it has brought something: Djgd. Ch., the most successful exhibit bitch Ger. breeding in 2004
" Pearl in blue vom Hohem Steg" and Clubyoungwinner in 2006 " Sissy black
vom Hohen Steg" 2-nd place of the most successful bitches Ger. breeding in 2006 (in accordance with. Sheltie
But I also know very exactly: To the breeding one needs not only knowledge and experience - but also a whole serving of luck. For a long time I
not always had this. The biggest danger for a breeder is if he does not see his mistakes any more and also does not admit to himself this. Also one should handle among breeders very widely honestly with each
And then another nearly 30 years of association work and activity were there as a
brederswere. Mostly, but not always only, a gratifying activity....
Now are my man and I in the retirement and the Shelties " organise " us quite well the day and hold us, above all, well in
And contacts with friendly breeders and lovers provide now and again for a chat ......
I has some smaller
breeeders wishes still after 35 years. Maybe they still come true. . . .
There's been some time back and now I have my 40- years S
BREEDING ANNIVERSARY! (In children and dogs, you realize how time flies ...)
The work for the club , let I go, but show´s and breed in a small scale make me
In addition, there
were some negative experiences, but also the success of our lovely sable bitch
"Cecilia in red vom Hohen Steg

Then we have now after 45 year Collie handling and 30 years of
Collie breeding our last Collie bitch of old age let go over the rainbow bridge.
Only the Shelties are to accompany us now and we want to the 58 Sheltielitters
add some more .....
As the saying goes, "First, it is different - and secondly as you think"?
Somehow we missed a larger dog, so I made a 23-cherished but often discarded
wish was: I bought a Border Collie bitch in my favorite color ee-red.
was the best thing I could do
There are now born with us in the 40 years breeding British Sheepdogs 92
litters. With the experience from it and consisting of more than 35 years as
breeding attendant activity you would have liked times as 20 years younger
... A "dream"!
Well, we look forward to some future "dog activities"!