Shelties vom Hohen Steg

Photogallery Side 5

 " Armani dark vom Hohen Steg" " Comedy´s " - Ivo son
"Eloisa" und "Enrico" ("Nina"-"Ivo"-childs)
 " Armani dark vom Hohen Steg" background Dresden
" Benji" Charley in red und friend  "Frisko"  "Yoshi vom Hohen Steg" 3 years old
The last "Gucci"- son -  with 8 month  "Gucci"- son -  and with  18 month
 "Yoshi" -3 years
"Ivo"-  son - 1 Jahr old "Tracy"- Clover Progeny
"Merlin" (Umberto bluev. H. St.) with his owner and their special resoults- verry unusual for a  Sheltie...
BH(LG-JJM), AD(20km), Stp1, RH1 Fl, RH2 Fl B und T B (RH-DM starter 2011), A1, SchH A (TSB pronounced)
"Sally"-  2 years old Littermates : DJCH. Charley in red vom Hohen Steg
und DJCH. Cecilia in red vom Hohen Steg
 " Lucky " A 1 midi at his secon A 1 start
" Eve " ( Ivo son) in Action with his first Agility cups
Sweety .......
the cleverest gave up
Where is my food I get the fork
"Sweety"-12 month, hollyday at the dogbeach
Sallys (DJCh./Dt. Ch.Club/Dt. Ch. VDH Cecilia in red v. Hohen Steg) nieces: Puppy´s from  DJCh.Charley in red Hohen Steg in the Kennel "Von Hauschteckslust
Yes,our "Pünktchen".You´re still for me my Dream in Blue .......  "Pearl in blue vom Hohen Steg,DJCh./ Ch. Club und VDH
first time in Veteranenclass with 9 1/2 years
"Sweety" with 8 month "Sweety" with 11 month
"Quirin dark vom Hohen Steg"  called Speedy

dark sable 35,5 cm, HD A- CEA-PRA-clear, MDR 1 +/-, On exhibitions with "excellent" places
To breed recommended
"Yoshi vom Hohen Steg"
  homozgous zobel weiß 37,0 cm, HD B - CEA-PRA-frei, MDR +/-,
On exhibitions with "excellent" places
Breedclass 2
 Side 1 -  Side 2 - Side 3 - Side 4